françOis | Live At Boogie Therapy | 05-05-2007
natural rhythm | uh oh | amenti
count funkula | spudda dudda doo | blue label
jt donaldson | just bounce | hudd traxx
lamanex | sweet pheasant | spatula city
lamanex | boggie chook | spatula city
cosy creatures | show you the way (sound republic remix) | guesthouse
prztz | races from space | mamma’s home cookin
swirl people ft ingrid hakanson | i’ll be a freak for you | aroma
mailer-deamon | mes:dup | guess who
prztz | cuckoo | mamma’s home cookin
anyo | derrick carter remix?? | ????
toka project | treat me right | tango
tiger spouts | sorry wrong beat | aj
d-t3ch | chicago soul (jason hodges remix) | neighborhood house watch
dirty deep peeps | disco what | bump shop
global communication | the way | sanctuary records
mister goodbar | auto hack it | bueno booty
rithma | i wish i could be beautiful | om records
podcast:: http://undergroundhouse.podOmatic.com/
podcast (rss):: http://undergroundhouse.podOmatic.com/rss2.xml