Saturday, November 18, 2006

Underground House Podcast?

hey guys! long time that i've not speak here about my podcast, there some updates to say! since a month, you can find a new section called [track]. in this section you can download unreleased tracks from famous djs. at this time, natural rhythm and dj homewrecker are available for download. you can find more information about these two great tracks on the podcast website!

[track #1] born of chicago ::: created by natural rhythm
[track #2] oh no ::: created by dj homewrecker

i've also posted a new set (of me) last month,
it's not my best one but it sounds good! ;)

live at late night - october '06 ::: mixed by françOis

podcast (rss)::


Anonymous said...

Can you give me the tracklist of this set, please? I love to know the name of the song playing during the 35th min.! Many thanks and a special greet from Holland!

françOis said...

hi b_art!
i'm sorry but i've not the complete tracklist... but i can tell you what is the track at 35min and maybe one or two other.. it is:: aroma allstars / episodes in jazz (swirl people) / aroma 038 :)

kind regards > françOis